Wickman Multi Spindle CNC Machining Company

High Production Output

West End Precision have over 20 Wickman Multispindle Autos, with capacity from 5/8” diameter up to 1¾” diameter. Whilst they are the oldest machines in the factory, due to continuous maintenance programmes and on-going investment, they are still very cost effective production machines for large volume orders.

High setup times demand the high volumes for these machines, with batch sizes typically starting at around 10k pieces.

Wickman Multispindle Auto Engineers


Our multi spindle auto’s offer the following advantages for the right application:

– Very high production output rate.

– Reduction in idle time during the turning process.

– Boosted efficiency and accuracy on volume runs.

– Ability to streamline similar or complementary operations in a single station.

– Fewer labor needs and reduced expenditures.

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